EMH&T Project Dedication Ceremony
On Friday, June 28th, EMH&T’s Joel Brown (Archeologist) and Heather Dardinger (Senior Environmental Scientist) attended a dedication ceremony for the historic Brown-Harris Cemetery in Dublin, Ohio. Both EMH&T team members provided archeological and environmental services in association with the City of Dublin’s University Boulevard, Phase 2 project―uncovering a cemetery dating back to the 1850s. EMH&T’s work confirmed that the cemetery area includes at least 22 graves. Due to its historic significance as a 19th-century, rural, African American burial site, it was determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. EMH&T partnered with the City of Dublin and the Brown and Harris families to preserve and commemorate the site.
For more information on the Brown-Harris Cemetery, check out the City of Dublin’s website: https://dublinohiousa.gov/brown-harris-cemetery/