Lower.com Field, Columbus Crew Stadium
The new $314 million Lower.com Field MLS stadium in downtown, Columbus, Ohio opened in the summer of 2021. EMH&T provided a range of professional services to a national architecture firm for this urban site that provides a capacity for 20,370 spectators. Our Water Resources Division was key in the project due to the project site’s location adjacent to the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers and within the 100-year floodplain. Because the stadium’s soccer pitch was designed to sit 10-feet below the 100-year floodplain elevation, EMH&T worked with a hydrogeological consultant to evaluate and recommend measures to protect the stadium from fluctuating groundwater levels influenced by periodic river flooding. The development of flood protection solutions included coordination with City of Columbus staff, representatives of ODNR’s floodplain management program, FEMA Region V, and national experts on FEMA’s published design guidelines for flood protection of non-residential structures. The design protects the structure from both groundwater and surface flood waters in compliance with local and federal standards.