Marsh Run Stream Restoration, Grove City, OH
EMH&T assisted the City of Grove City in procuring a Clean Ohio Conservation Fund (COCF) grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) for the restoration of the Marsh Run stream channel, located in the City’s Gantz Park. Marsh Run is one of only two streams in all of Franklin County that was given a rating of “very poor” in the Central Ohio Greenways Plan, produced by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission.
EMH&T performed a geomorphic analysis to understand the existing channel impairments and to inform the design of the stream restoration. This segment of Marsh Run was a historically incised stream channel that no longer had access to its adjacent floodplain due to entrenchment, with some near vertical, barren banks that were 9-feet tall. The surrounding vegetation was a narrow riparian buffer that was dominated by dense thickets of invasive honeysuckle. In addition to the ecological and flood storage deficiencies, the channel confinement led to extensive bank erosion which impacted public storm system outfalls, two pedestrian bridges, and the Gantz Road bridge.
Several important key projects feature that resulted after the stream restoration:
- Through the creation of a floodplain bench, the stream is now reconnected to its floodplain to reduce erosion.
- The implementation of a series of cross vane and riffle structures were designed to raise the profile of the channel, which had degraded by as much as 2.5-feet at the Gantz Road bridge. The cross vanes help to divert the streams energy towards the center of the channel and away from the banks and bridge abutments, while also providing variety to the bed of the channel by creating downstream pools which makes for great fish habitat.
- Improved access to the stream channel and adjacent riparian corridor for park goers to experience nature in their community.